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Here you will find records of
great improvising musicians
that i had the pleasure to work on


ASRA - Nocturnal Journey

The first album of the young talented group around

the pianist Catherine Tang who is a descendant

of the swiss youth jazz orchestra. Very happy how this one came out!


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jugenjazzorchester die kuh auf dem eis.jpg - Die Kuh auf dem Eis

This is 3 years work together with Benjamin Weidekamp and a very diverse group of talented young Swiss musicians. Out of a classic youth jazz orchestra grew an awesome Band and a record

that doesn't have the slightest feeling of an educational project!

Next to my input in the rehearsals i composed

the music with Benjamin and wrote the lyrics.

Then I recorded them in great studios and mixed everything 

to taste.

GULFH of Berlin

What an honor to have a record out on the

legendary label ESP Disk. It was literally dubbing

free jazz played by this great band.

The concept was fun to play live and in the studio

and I enjoyed mixing it, too.


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My new Band with my companions Benjamin Weidekamp, Jerome Bugnon and  Elia Rediger. We have made a wonderful album together with Leipzigs wildest Big Band Spielvereinigung Süd. I wrote most of the vocal songs and all the lyrics, and mixed the whole thing. It is released on Why Play Jazz.


Themroc 3
A long existing Trio with to me classic tunes. I recorded this in H2 at Funkhaus Nalepastrasse and mixed and mastered at the cop shop. Also on Why Play Jazz.


Benjamin Weidekamp Quartett
seriell, nicht seriös
Benjamins first solo project. Recorded by the great Walter Quintus. Mixed and mastered by me. We worked hard to give it a special sound that leaves the path of how jazz is used to sound.
It turned out great.


Hyperactive Kid


One of the best bands in German Jazz. You can hear they play together for ages. I mixed and mastered this one. 


Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky / Michael Griener

The Salmon

I recorded this one. The two went into the recording room and i closed my eyes infront of the monitors. When they came out after 2 hours, we had a record, without a question. Things can be so simple and beautiful.



2 Trios & 2 Babies

I had a great time in Leipzig playing the double bass with this interesting constellation. A year  later the CD came a long as a very nice surprise.

Sebastian Schunke - Vida Pura

I remember i drove into a Jaguar on the way to the studio. But the bass didn't break and the great songs and musicianship made me totaly forget the accident till the next day when the insurance company called...

I always loved Sebastians music an i am very happy that  these days he gets the deserved recognition as a true innovator in the Latin Jazz world even winning the Cuban music awards in Cuba.


Sebastian Schunke - Movement
I did only some little electronic live effects on this one, but it was amazing to be with that international supergroup at the legendary Tonstudio Bauer.  I was lucky to be also there during the mixing session and watch Johannes Wohlleben doing some magic on the big Neve.

Sonja Kandels - God of Laughter

This was my first CD recording ever. We recorded at Nalepastrasse, where we then had our super700 studio just a few years later. I fortunatly got the  chance to record with legendary griot musician Abdourahmane Diop on this Album. He sadly passed away this year. He left a mark in my life with that session.


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