Hektor Protektor
My amazing son Hektor was born in August 2018, so right now it is the first chance I got, to update what I have been up to in the meantime. Only took me a year... ;-).
Last autumn I started and meanwhile finished an amazing album with Julia Marcell, of which the world will hear a lot the coming months :-). Very proud of this one!
Florian Glässings Album "Alte Liebe" was finally released on the label Timezone. I listened to it today after a long time and I felt very happy about this one too!
I did a theater production in the beautiful city of Bremen called "Aus dem Nichts" which dealed with the topic of the NSU and really ruined my mood for quite some time, as it is unbelievable and shameful what happened here amongst us for such a long time without being uncovered. The director was Nurkan Erpulat, with whom I directly went on to do another piece at Maxim Gorki Theater "Jugend ohne Gott". This one featured an amazing ensemble of young actors!
And there was one more production with Nurkan this year for Kunstfest Weimar, which was a nine hour performance of speeches from the time of Weimar Republic, at its original scenery! It was featuring actors, citizens of weimar and some big shot politicians. I prepared music from the 1920's together with my pal Benjamin Weidekamp, who wrote some great arrangements for a selection of the good old Spielvereinigung Sued lads. It was actually very impressive to see, just through the speeches in its parliament, how this young and daring democracy failed so sadly. Didn't make me feel good about the state we are at the moment either...
Following this major undertaking, I just had the next one waiting in line: my first exhibition ever, doing some "installations" and works around our beloved Brigade Futur 3 again together with Benjamin Weidekamp. It is still exhibited at the Jazzinstitut Darmstadt. They invited us to undertake this trip into another dimension for their festival and symposium Jazz&Politics. We also played two great shows, right there and at the Jazzfestival Leipzig with Brigade Futur 3 and Spielvereinigung Sued.
The next month will see me writing some music for the Swiss Federal Jazz Youth Orchester assisting their new director Sir Benjamin Weidekamp and then jumping into the next theater production called "Maria" at Gorki, again with Nurkan Erpulat and hopeful a very special guest, fingers crossed.
That's all folks. Catch me if u can...